Tag Archives: puppets

Alfonso’s Miniature Orchestra @ Circus Culture

Alfonso’s Miniature Orchestra – A LilySilly Puppet Show

20161012_123141November 4 @ 4pm – Alfonso lives with his grandmother in Southern Spain and isn’t allowed to study music. When he falls in love with the guitar, his only help comes from a flamenco-dancing gypsy who teaches him the secrets of the instrument. A great way into classical music for kids. Live music by Matthew Ocone.

Tickets: $7 adults, $5 kids 3+
@ Circus Culture 116 W Green St, Ithaca, NY 14850

Other show times:
Saturday Nov 5 3:30pm
Friday Nov 11 4pm
Saturday Nov 12 3:30pm

This events was made possible, in part, by a grant from the Community Arts Partnership!

Spring Writes Puppetry

We will be performing a special silly show for Ithaca’s Literary Festival, Spring Writes. We got literary and created a short show we call “Ahab’s Inferno”, a mish-mash of literary characters from Moby Dick, Pride and Prejudice, Alice in Wonderland, Macbeth and a few other greats.


My puppet version of a Jane Austen character. Oh, my dear Lizzy!

You can catch our performance at Lot 10 Bar and Lounge, 106 South Cayuga on April 30th 7pm (part of Trampoline Storytelling event) and May 2nd 7pm (part of the Cosmic Joke Collective).

More info on those events:

Spring Writes 2015

Trampoline Storytelling Contest

Cosmic Joke Collective






Puppet Show at CSMA

Lily Silly will be performing our “Yes Around the World” Puppet show at the Community School of Music and Arts for ArtsBreak on Wednesday, April 1st. We’ll also be having a puppet-making workshop after the show! To join us, sign up for Wednesday ArtsBreak at CSMA.

More Info from CSMyesaroundtheworldA:
Music, dance, visual arts and theatre activities with demos and performances. Each day will have its own theme. Register for any number of days. Programs from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm with optional after care until 5:15 pm.

For ages 6-9.

Members: $45 Non-members: $60

Prices are per day. Aftercare cost: Members: $5 Non-Members: $7



Puppeteer Life

Sometimes when I tell my friends that I have become a puppeteer they ask “What do you do all day?” Well, here is a glimpse into my life as a puppeteer.  Each day is quite different, but much of the time I am surrounded by craft materials and music and silly eye balls and noses. Today, I am making a small paper-mâché guitar for a flamenco dancing puppet.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is a prop for our show “Yes Around the World”, in which a puppet goes around in a hot air balloon learning to say “yes” in different countries. Here’s my new puppet, Rosa, for the Spain scene. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Later, I may create a puppet desk for a late night puppet show. Maybe I’ll finally give my Carl Sagan puppet a coat.  Maybe I’ll work on snow puns for a snowman comedy routine. In any case, I like the puppeteer life.



Winter Cabaret

Santa Baby LilySilly Style

We performed at Lot 10 for the Cosmic Joke Collective this holiday season. Aunt Irene, the puppet, had her own version of the song Santa Baby. Here is a short piece from the performance.


Workshops from LilySilly

LilySilly went to our friends at Camp Annie and made some puppets. It was a blast and then we swam in the pond, too! Check out some of the creations and more on workshops.


Check out those googly eyes!

396400398395Workshops are a great opportunity for hands-on fun. With the guidance of a puppet friend or two, kids get to make their own creations from provided recycled and reclaimed materials. After making the puppets, everyone is invited to play with the puppet theater. Puppets are naturals at storytelling so with just a few basic suggestions, we can have a fun show, or just be silly. Each puppet experience will be different depending on what each group wants to do.

There are many options for puppet building. We can make basic puppets with cardboard and cloth, sew hand puppets with movable mouths or without. We can use hot glue guns, or sewing or something else. The main point is to have fun creating something of your own imagination and sharing it with others.

Want to have a workshop at your school, home or event? Great! Have a question? Alrighty. Get in touch here.